Steel Structures and Application Areas

Steel Structures

Our Light Steel System Buildings are produced from ‘U’ and ‘C’ galvanized panels, roof panels and roof trusses in 90 and 140 mm widths according to their projects by making static calculations. All main carriers and other required building interconnect components are pre-produced at the factory site, transported to the assembly site and mounted on the pre-prepared foundation.

Studies can be carried out for any type of project requested by our customers and suitable for the land. These projects are designed by our team and production details are created with Architectural, Infrastructure, Static, Electric, Sanitary Installation projects.

Steel is a homogeneous and isotropic material. Its mechanical properties do not change.

The elasticity modulus of steel is very high compared to other materials. Therefore, the volume of steel used in the building shrinks because of its high strength. Steel structures are relatively light.

In case of buckling, the tensile strength of the steel is equal to its compressive strength.

It is a ductile material. It is capable of large deformation, suitable for plastic calculation, and offers optimum solutions in terms of meeting seismic loads and ground subsidence.

Steel carrier elements are mostly prepared in workshops. Only assembly works are done on the construction site. In this regard, the construction time is short, and it is almost independent of weather conditions.

It is relatively easy to replace reinforcement and carrier elements in steel structures.

Steel structures can be dismantled and reused.

They work with full load as soon as the assembly is completed, without having to wait.

Economical: Pre-fabricated, carrier elements provide high quality at low costs and shorten the construction period. Steel is the material with the highest ratio of carrying capacity to weight. Due to the high carrying capacity of steel, steel construction elements are produced in smaller cross-sections and dimensions, lighter and with excellent quality. Beacuse the dimensions of the carrying elements in steel structures are much smaller than that of timber and concrete, larger area of use is obtained. This results in more efficient use of the building area. Price balance and short construction times allow people to settle earlier and gain cost advantages.

Earthquake Resistant: Steel is the most durable construction material against earthquakes due to its high strength, flexibility and lightness. Its lightness enables it to withstand the impacts without breaking. The only factor that will reduce the earthquake force is the reducing the weight of the structure. Because the greater the mass of the structure, the greater the force the earthquake will exert on it. Steel houses are about 5 times lighter than reinforced concrete structures. This means that the earthquake load to the building is 5 times less.

Environmentalist: Steel is a durable and reusable material. The material removed by the dismantling of steel buildings can be recycled. Whereas, about 50 trees need to be cut to make a similar structure from wood. During the construction of steel structures, water is not used as it is used in the construction of reinforced concrete buildings. This greatly saves water.

Fast: Apart from the subbasement, since there is no need for concrete, the assembly of the steel construction can be done very quickly regardless of the weather conditions. This causes a decrease in capital requirement and decrease in construction costs.

High quality: The quality of steel, which is a completely industrial product and produced with international standards, is controlled and documented at every stage of its production. The producer or user cannot interfere with the physical properties of the material. The theoretical calculation values are also valid in practice. Since it is not hidden in the concrete, it provides the opportunity to monitor its compliance with the project and standards at all times. In addition, all other materials used are also first class materials with quality certificates and high standards.

Stainless: Because galvanized steel is used in the production of light steel carrier, its corrosion resistance is high, there is no rusting, no cracking, deflection and infestation over time as in wood. The steel used in Light Steel houses consists of galvanized steel in international standards and quality.

Flexible: The adaptation of our rapidly changing lifestyle to our spaces can be achieved more easily and economically in steel structures. Depending on the conditions that may occur, your needs can be met by removing the non-bearing partition walls or by changing their places.

Does Not Create A Danger Against Lightning: Unlike other carrier systems, steel construction does not pose a danger against lightning. Because the protection installation creates a road to the ground, eliminating the risks of explosion, small-scale fire and injury.